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Azerbaijani Ombudswoman: International organizations should abandon double standards France obstructs peace

30 November 2023 14:21

Azerbaijani Human Rights Commissioner Sabina Aliyev has said that international organizations should abandon double standards and demonstrate a fair position towards Azerbaijan.

The ombudswoman made the remarks at an international conference entitled "Human Rights - 75. Baku Conference: Promoting Universality and Indivisibility to Address Global and National Challenges," dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Report informs.

“Progressive countries of the world and international organizations should abandon double standards and demonstrate a fair position towards Azerbaijan in order to protect fundamental human rights, such as the right of everyone to life, liberty and freedom of movement, property, safe living, healthy environment, health protection,” she said.

According to her, in connection with the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in accordance with the resolution of the UN General Assembly of December 10, 1948, this date is annually celebrated by the states of the world as International Human Rights Day.

“The main principles of this document, which was adopted in connection with global changes, objective historical necessity and which will celebrate its 75th anniversary in a few days, are the inadmissibility of discrimination, issues of ensuring equality of rights, as well as other provisions that are reflected in the constitutions of many countries and international agreements,” said S. Aliyeva.

The Ombudsman noted that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which has served as the basis for the promotion and protection of human rights for many years, has helped fundamentally change the world.

Countries such as France hinder peace and show disrespect for international law, Aliyeva stressed.

She said numerous crimes against peace and humanity, as well as war crimes, genocide, ecocide, ecocide, urbicide and culturicide were committed against the peaceful Azerbaijani population as a result of Armenia's policy of ethnic cleansing, deportations and genocide on the grounds of hatred against Azerbaijanis.

"Mass graves discovered in the territories of Azerbaijan held under occupation for almost 30 years and liberated as a result of the 44-day Patriotic War, the destruction of most towns and villages, historical, cultural, religious monuments, the destruction of many species of flora and fauna, the mass pollution of our territories with mines prove it once again.

In addition, it is a matter of concern that the fate of about 4,000 of our compatriots who went missing as a result of Armenia's military aggression is still unknown. Unfortunately, such countries as France, which today considers itself the cradle of democracy, but pursues a policy of Islamophobia and neocolonialism, for many years have grossly violated human rights, showing disrespect for the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, universal principles of international law, continuing to hinder the achievement of peace between peoples," the Ombudsman said.

To recap, an international conference on "Human Rights - 75. Baku Conference: Promoting Universality and Indivisibility to Address Global and National Challenges," dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was held in Baku under the joint organization of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of Azerbaijan, the UN Office in Azerbaijan and the Bar Association.

The event was attended by representatives of state structures, international organizations and civil society institutions.

Speeches on the topics were heard and opinions were exchanged at the panel discussions.

At the end, questions of interest to the participants were answered.

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