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Arab League secretary general urges to accelerate economic integration with Azerbaijan

01 May 2024 10:58

Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul-Gheit has expressed his appreciation to the State of Qatar for its initiative to host the 3rd session of the Arab Economic and Cooperation Forum with countries of Central Asia and the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In his speech delivered on April 30 at the forum, Aboul-Gheit emphasized that the Arab region, Central Asia, and Azerbaijan form a shared geographical, civilizational, and cultural space. He highlighted the long-standing ties and diverse exchanges that have characterized relations between these regions for decades, Qatar News Agency reports.

The Secretary-General pointed out the Arab League's commitment to fostering Arab integration and solidifying cooperation with various regional blocs since its establishment. He explained that establishing fruitful Arab cooperation with Central Asia and Azerbaijan was a natural step, given the geographical proximity and shared historical legacy. In pursuit of this goal, the League signed Memoranda of Understanding with Azerbaijan in 2005, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in 2007, and Tajikistan in 2014, aiming to deepen political, economic, and cultural cooperation between the parties.

Aboul-Gheit took a moment to recall prominent scientific figures from throughout history who were products of the shared civilization between the Arab world and Central Asia and Azerbaijan, such as Al Khwarizmi, Al Farabi, Ibn Sina, Al Biruni, Al Bukhari, and Al Farghani.

He highlighted the significance of the Arab Economic and Cooperation Forum with Central Asia and Azerbaijan, established under the League's umbrella. The forum serves as a structured institutional framework for managing and nurturing shared relations, providing a platform for consultation on achieving development and stability for both sides.

The convening of the third session after seven years reaffirms that the historical and cultural ties and bonds cannot be forgotten or fade away, Aboul-Gheit stressed. He underlined the League's determination to deepen these shared strengths and foundations and elevate them to even broader horizons.

The Secretary-General emphasized that the success of the forum extends beyond mere agreement on political visions and stances. He underlined the critical importance of prioritizing trade exchange and creating wider avenues for investment. He acknowledged that the current level of trade exchange between the two regions falls short of aspirations, despite the combined potential and capabilities of these countries.

Aboul-Gheit highlighted the importance of convening the first-ever Conference of Arab Businessmen and Investors with their counterparts from Central Asia and Azerbaijan, which had been postponed since 2015. He stressed that the Arab League would spare no effort in giving this partnership concrete substance and developing mechanisms to achieve its desired goals.

The Secretary-General called upon the countries of both regions to move forward in strengthening joint cooperation across various fields, overcome obstacles hindering the progress of this cooperation, and build new cooperation mechanisms in diverse areas. These efforts would ultimately deepen the trajectory of joint cooperation and yield mutual benefits for both sides.

Aboul-Gheit expressed his anticipation for the fourth session of the forum to be held in one of the Central Asian countries or Azerbaijan in 2026.

Concerning the ongoing political and regional developments, HE Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul-Gheit asserted that the Israeli entity is pursuing the liquidation of the Palestinian cause at the expense of neighboring countries through a scenario of forced displacement that is rejected by Arab, Islamic, and international communities, pointing to Israel's attempt to distract global attention from its crimes in Gaza by opening new fronts.

He emphasized that the positions are clear as there will be no peace with Israel without ending the occupation of Arab lands, and granting Palestinians their rights, including a state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Aboul-Gheit underlined that reaching an immediate ceasefire in Gaza is a humanitarian necessity to put an end to one of the most heinous crimes against humanity in the 21st century. He pointed out that more than two million Palestinians require urgent assistance. Instead of assuming its responsibilities, the occupying power is delaying the entry of aid, preparing for more indiscriminate operations, and turning a blind eye to all international calls for a ceasefire, he added.

The Secretary-General reiterated the Arab League's unwavering stance on finding solutions to the crises in Syria, Sudan, Libya, and Yemen through the necessary political consensus, which must be comprehensive, end foreign interventions, and preserve the unity and territorial integrity of these countries.

In conclusion, Aboul-Gheit stated that everybody is following the dangerous and unprecedented developments resulting from the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, which documents a crime that adds to the crimes committed by Israel for decades, primarily the crime of continued occupation and its transformation into a full-fledged system of apartheid, warning of the expansion of the conflict and dragging the region into a vicious cycle of violence and destruction, necessitating the intensification of efforts to prevent the continuation of this dangerous escalation and halt the deterioration of the situation. He called for developing common economic interests and building mechanisms and economic spaces to accelerate economic integration between Arab countries, Central Asian countries, and Azerbaijan. (QNA)

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