International travellers visit mass grave sites in Fuzuli
An international group of travellers from 12 countries visited on February 4 the sites of mass graves in Fuzuli District’s Ashagi Seyidahmadli village.
The guests were informed about the number of landmines that had been found in the area, according to Report.
"It is assumed that Armenia foresaw that this mass grave would be discovered sooner or later and therefore, mined it and its surroundings to conceal the war crime it had committed, causing the deaths of people who were searching for the remains of their relatives. This is a method typical to Armenian war crimes, even ordinary cemeteries in liberated territories were mined, people's bones were removed from their graves, and gold teeth were stolen," ANAMA representatives explained.
The visit of international travellers to the liberated territories continues.
Over the past two years, representatives of the main international traveller clubs - Etic, MTP, TCC, NomadMania, and the Turkish Traveller Club - visited Karabakh and East Zangazur regions. Such visits were paid once in 2021, and four last year.
This year's trip is the sixth. The group consists of travellers with an interest in military history, including the authors of famous travel books.
Such visits are aimed at promoting an extreme type of tourism, such as Dark tourism. International travellers visit liberated territories that Armenia has plundered for almost 30 years. They also tour places where hostilities took place in 2020. They get a chance to see the realities on the ground, including the construction and reconstruction activities, and the process of creation of the Zangazur corridor.