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Italy procures three Israeli unmanned subs, vetted in a NATO drill

30 March 2024 03:02

Italy’s navy is poised to incorporate three unmanned submarines, known as the Blue Wave, directly from the production line of Israel’s renowned Israel Aerospace Industry [IAI]. The decision to purchase these submarines was sanctioned by Italy’s parliamentary body, according to internal country reports. News has recently emerged that Italy’s navy is joining the elite group of navies equipped with significant autonomous underwater vehicles, as cited by RID.

The Blue Wave submarines go by another name – the Large Displacement Autonomous Underwater Vehicle [LDAUV]. Italy’s decision to acquire these submarines is rooted in its defense collaboration with Israel, as relayed by Italian sources. Although officially involved in only one NATO drill, there has been speculation about the Blue Wave’s involvement in actual military actions. However, these remain unconfirmed rumors, with no formal affirmation from Israeli authorities.

Reports from Italy suggest that Rome is set to receive substantial logistical support from Tel Aviv, specifically regarding the acquisition of these three autonomous miniature submarines. In addition to this, the Italians are expected to receive a remote command and control station for clearance.

IAI’s product, the Blue Wave, an autonomous mini-submarine, remains shrouded in mystery. First revealed by Israeli sources on May 1, 2023, it wasn’t long before conversations started, suggesting the Israeli Navy’s potential use of the mini-submarine for surveillance missions along the Gaza Strip and Lebanese coastlines.

Designed to be 10.9 m in length with a diameter of 1.12 m, this mini-submarine weighs 5.5 tons. It is capable of operating at depths of up to 300 m and can maintain a steady speed of 2-3 knots. Its impressive feature is its ability to operate autonomously for 30 days. Its modular payload includes an intricate array of electro-acoustic, electro-optical, and radar sensors, along with communication systems.

Reports from the Israeli media in 2023 revealed the integration of a satellite communications antenna into the submarine’s mast. This feature enables the Italian Navy to gather intelligence and transmit it in real-time to ground or airborne command posts.

Acoustic intelligence

The profound capabilities of acoustic reconnaissance are entirely encapsulated in Blue Wave. Using a sonar, this intricate system extends several tens of meters in length and is conveyed by the remarkable BlueWhale. This advanced system facilitates submarine detection and acoustic intelligence data collection. The system’s efficacy is further enhanced with a flank array sonar, featuring receiver arrays attached to both sides of the platform – an insider tip we’ve gleaned from our sources within Israeli IAI.

In addition to this, mine detection is accomplished through a specialized sonar equipped with a synthetic aperture. This aperture is conveniently affixed to the ship’s sides. The BlueWhale is interlaced with an extensive sensor array to guarantee reliable navigation, whether underwater or near the surface. It’s pertinent to highlight that in recent times, several international patents have been appropriately registered, underscoring significant advancements in the system.

Mini-subs are gaining popularity

Many countries have built small military submarines, often known as mini-submarines, for spying tasks. These mini-submarines are advantageous because they can stealthily operate in shallow waters, which are inaccessible to larger submarines. Take, for example, the United States. The US Navy uses the Advanced SEAL Delivery System [ASDS], a special type of mini-submarine. Its primary job is to transport special forces such as Navy SEALs without drawing enemy attention.

Russia, too, has been using mini-submarines for secretive tasks. The Project 865 Piranha class mini-submarines, sometimes referred to as the Losos class, were created by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. They are designed to defend the coast and conduct specialized operations.

North Korea maintains several mini-submarines, including the Sang-O class submarine. These are mainly used to transport special forces into South Korea for espionage or disruption purposes. In the case of Israel, Dolphin-class submarines, manufactured in Germany, are used. While they may not be as small as other mini-subs, they are still utilized for reconnaissance tasks.

Last but not least, Iran has its selection of mini-submarines, such as the Ghadir class. These nimble and compact submarines were designed to operate in the shallow waters of the Persian Gulf, making them ideal for spying missions and surprise attacks.

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