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Azerbaijan slams EU's biased mediation: Funds fuel militarisation Know your place!

28 September 2024 16:06

Political analyst, head of the South Caucasus Research Center Farhad Mammadov, has addressed remarks by Peter Stano, the European Union's lead spokesperson for foreign affairs and security policy, during an interview with Armenian state media. Mamedov argues that Stano’s comments merit scrutiny, as they reveal the EU’s ambition to act as a mediator while simultaneously showing a distinct bias towards Armenia.

Criticism of the EU Mission

Stano stated in the interview:

I find President Aliyev's criticisms of the EU Mission and his comments on Armenia's militarization to be unfounded. Armenia has the sovereign right to enhance its defence capabilities and choose its partners.

Comment: Mammadov contends that Stano, in his official capacity, should be mindful that his remarks about Azerbaijan's president exceed his diplomatic mandate and call for a more respectful tone. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing one’s diplomatic boundaries, stating, “Know your place!”

Mammadov further underscores that Armenia occupied Azerbaijani territories for 25 years, only withdrawing its forces following Azerbaijan's military intervention. He asserts that the EU shares responsibility for this situation, having failed to impose sanctions on Armenia as an aggressor.

“If the EU does not recognize Armenia as an aggressor, that does not negate the reality of the situation,” Mammadov states.

Additionally, he highlights that the Armenian Prime Minister maintains territorial claims in Armenia's legislation and has resisted disbanding the OSCE Minsk Group, which reflects ongoing elements of an occupation policy.

Under these circumstances, Armenia's militarization is understandably provoking concern and rejection from Azerbaijan.

On the essence of the EU mission

Stano stated:

The EU mission in Armenia is unarmed and civilian, aimed at supporting peace efforts in the region. He emphasized that it operates solely on the Armenian side of the internationally recognized border and adheres to a clearly defined mandate.

In response, Farhad Mammadov reminded that this mission was initiated after the Prague Summit in October 2022, with prior agreement from Azerbaijan for a two-month duration to assist in defining the border. He stressed:

Azerbaijan has the right to voice its concerns regarding the mission’s activities, particularly since it operates directly along Azerbaijan's border.

Mammadov also raised doubts about the guarantees surrounding the mission's unarmed status:

Azerbaijan cannot be assured that the EU mission is genuinely unarmed, as there is no way to verify this claim. Furthermore, the mission comprises personnel from various countries, and not all operatives may be devoid of ulterior motives, even if they don’t carry weapons.

Stano states:

The EU mission has been vital in fostering conditions for the normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Mammadov replies:

There is no significant role for the EU mission in normalizing relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia whatsoever!

Mammadov also highlighted instances where EU mission staff misled the public, mentioning: 

They produced videos designed for family audiences, a claim supported by factual evidence.

Furthermore, he pointed out that Armenia instigated armed incidents twice in 2024—in Nerkin Hand and Kalbajar—resulting in injuries to Azerbaijani border guards. In response to the first incident, Azerbaijan acted, while no response followed the second, which occurred after Armenia’s acknowledgment of the situation. Mammadov emphasized that in both instances, the EU mission failed to contribute to resolving the conflicts.

Interactions between Azerbaijan and Armenia are conducted solely through bilateral channels, without EU involvement.

The political scientist warned:

If Armenia's militarization poses a threat, the EU mission will not impede Azerbaijan's actions within Armenian territory,” drawing a parallel to Ukraine's military responses against Russia.

EU support for Armenia

Stano stated:

In July 2024, the EU allocated €10 million aimed at enhancing civilian protection during crises. He clarified that this funding is intended to strengthen the logistical capabilities of Armenia’s armed forces, asserting that it does not include weapon supplies. The equipment provided is characterized as non-lethal and non-offensive, countering claims of media misrepresentation.

Mammadov's response:

Any aid to the aggressor country Armenia, which has not repented of its aggressive nature, releases funds for increased militarisation.

He also notes that this aid is only the beginning:

The €10 million is just the beginning,” referencing how the EU mission expanded from 40 to 200 personnel, with plans to grow to 1,000.

On co-operation and political will

Stano also noted:

We do not believe that Azerbaijan's intensive military cooperation with its partners affects the peace process if the political will to normalise relations remains.

Comment: Mammadov explains that Azerbaijan's cooperation with its partners is carried out under international law:

Azerbaijan is not the aggressor. Its actions are grounded in established international norms and principles.


Mammadov summarises that despite Peter Stano’s assertions of the EU's impartiality and commitment to long-term peace, recent actions indicate a different reality.

He states:

Following the Granada statement, the EU has irrevocably lost Baku's trust.

Concluding his response, Mammadov emphasises:

Mr. Stano, you are misguided in your approach to achieving lasting peace!

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