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Erdogan: Condition for return to Cyprus talks is recognition of TRNC

12 June 2023 20:03

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that Ankara will continue to vigorously defend the interests of both Türkiye and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean.

He made the remarks at a joint press conference with Ersin Tatar, President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), on June 12, in Lefkos, Anadolu reports.

Erdoğan recalled that Türkiye is among the guarantor states in Cyprus. "The security and stability of our brothers in Cyprus are just as important as Türkiye's security. Ankara will continue to contribute to the development of the TRNC," the president assured.

Turks have never been a minority in Cyprus, he said, and they never will be! "Those who ignore these realities dream of a single sovereignty of the island. I call on such, to recognize the realities of Cyprus," Erdogan said.

President Erdoğan said that a condition for returning to negotiations on Cyprus is recognition of the TRNC. "More than half a century has been lost in Cyprus because of the maximalism and uncompromising stance of the Greek community in Cyprus. No one will allow another 50 years to be lost," the Turkish president said.

He noted that Türkiye has always had a constructive stance and seeks to ensure a productive dialogue on Cyprus.

The head of state called the laying of an underwater cable for electricity to the north of Cyprus "an important step. By doing so, the population of TRNC will no longer face the problem of power outages, the Turkish leader promised.

President Erdogan stressed that Ankara's entire policy in the region is based on the desire for peace. "Türkiye's roadmap in the region is clear and aimed at peace. We are also in favour of turning the Aegean Sea into a 'sea of peace,'" the politician stressed.

In turn, President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Ersin Tatar said that such a global giant as Türkiye stands in support of Lefkosha.

"Behind our back is the position of the President of the Republic of Türkiye," Tatar stressed.

The Turkish Cypriot leader stressed that Lefkosha is determined to continue the current course with Türkiye's support

"The maritime frontiers of Turkish Cyprus are securely protected. The people of Turkish Cyprus are in solidarity with the Republic of Türkiye at all times," assured Tatar.

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