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EU Reporter: Great events on the planet settled in Azerbaijan

16 January 2024 09:00

The fight against climate change is one of the main areas described by the universal text "Sustainable Development Goals" (DIM), which was unanimously endorsed by the United Nations Member States in 2015 - writes Mazahir AfandiyevMember of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Caliber.Az reprints the article published by EU Reporter.

The 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris saw the approval of the global manifesto "Agenda 2030," which includes the idea of "Leaving no one behind." Therefore, the Paris Climate Agreement was signed at this session. Azerbaijan signed it on April 22, 2016, and the Milli Majlis approved it in October of the same year.

Global changes have generally been brought about by states and populations around the world, having had a remarkable impact on the global climate system since the 20th century. The impacts of climate change are being felt far and wide these days.

Large-scale efforts to address environmental issues and government initiatives to enhance the environment have long been crucial parts of Azerbaijan's strategy for sustainable development. The country's readiness for new challenges in the context of climate change has been under President Ilham Aliyev's specific oversight throughout the last 20 years in the context of sustainable reforms.

Ensuring environmental safety in accordance with the green development agenda, as well as natural resource protection at the national, international, and regional levels in coordination with this strategy, the application of scientifically based development principles, and economic decarbonization are all aimed at ensuring the country's economic and human resource sustainability.

As part of the work, Azerbaijan named 2010 the "Year of Ecology," and in 2013, our country hosted a number of regional and international events in conjunction with the CIS's Year of Ecology. Furthermore, one of the objectives outlined in the document "Azerbaijan 2030: national priorities for socioeconomic development," which was signed on February 2, 2021, was to transform the country into one with a clean environment and "green growth."

Our country's remarkable victory in the 44-day Second Karabakh-Patriotic War in 2020 highlighted new challenges. Despite the environmental terror committed, particularly in liberated territories, work on mass reconstruction and the return of our internally displaced people to their homeland is being carried out using an environmentally friendly Smart Cities and Smart Villages approach, alternative energy sources, and green technologies.

Azerbaijan continues to work actively and successfully to localize global concerns. The Republic of Azerbaijan named 2024 the "Green World Solidarity Year" in order to build international solidarity in the global fight against climate change. This implies that, in addition to the work done thus far, the government accurately defines the work to be done and will continue to carry out careful coordination of aspects aimed at the future even better well-being of the Azerbaijani people.

The world community has attentively followed the rise of our country's authority in the international arena, its transformation into a significant actor in regional geopolitical processes, and the restoration of constitutional territorial integrity and sovereignty. It is natural that Azerbaijan will host the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) this year, having made further obligations in the field of South Caucasus security and environmental protection for the entire region.

"I still think that this is the world's number one international event, an international conference, and from the point of view of the attention of the world community, it is more prestigious than the UN General Assembly," President Ilham Aliyev said in connection with COP29. Although the modern, independent young Azerbaijani state already has sufficient experience in hosting major forums and events of global significance, updated technological capabilities, rapidly changing perspectives on the future, and the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution necessitate better preparation for this event. I am certain that by successfully hosting this renowned event at the highest level, Azerbaijan will gain the status of a 21st-century progressive state.

It is no surprise that Azerbaijan will host another prominent UN event in 2026, following CAP29. Considering the work done by Azerbaijan in the global arena, the decision to hold the 13th World Urban Planning Forum (WUF13) of the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat) in Baku in 2026 was a correct assessment of world states and the international community.

"In any case, the hosting of these two events is a major development, and I am sure that both events will be held successfully and the visiting guests will see the realities of Azerbaijan." These comments of the president suggest that the contemporary Republic of Azerbaijan is striving for new goals in a new era.

Thus, all of our international successes and achievements are a clear indication of trust in President Ilham Aliyev's program of securing global peace and sustainable development.

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