Germany might pass its dual citizenship law in January 2024
The dual citizenship law of Germany might officially enter into force in January 2024, following reached agreements.
The voting for Germany’s dual citizenship law has gone through two delays recently. However, the coalition has said that the law could be passed in January as they have settled previous disagreements regarding the eligibility of beneficiaries, reports.
As I Am Expat Germany explains, an agreement reached between the coalition parties means that the law will now get into a second reading. There will also be another reading, and after the third one, a vote will be held.
This is very likely to take place in January 2024, and if everything goes according to plan, the dual citizenship law will officially enter into force in April 2024.
As soon as the dual citizenship law enters into force, foreign nationals legally residing in Germany will be able to hold their original citizenship as well as obtain German citizenship without letting go of the other.
However, the processing times to apply for German citizenship may be several years in some areas of the country, meaning that it will take a while for some to hold Germany’s passport.
In addition, as soon as the new law enters into force, those who have acquired the German language and those who have made big achievements in their work will not be required to wait for more than three years to be able to obtain citizenship.
The last time that Germany delayed its dual citizenship law was last week. The German Free Democratic Party (FDP), the Social Democratic Party (SPD), and The Greens disagreed on changes that would not permit non-EU residents who have gotten unemployment benefits to hold dual citizenship.
The proposed change would mean that non-EU residents would not be eligible for dual citizenship provided that they received unemployment benefits such as “Bürgergeld” or “Arbeitslosengeld”.
However, SPD did not agree with it, saying that the majority should be able to hold dual citizenship when the new law starts being effective.
SPD stressed that the party does not want these rules to apply to the Gastarbeiter generation of migrants from Türkiye who moved to Germany between 1955 and 1973 for work purposes as part of a formal guest worker programme.
The party further said that stricter rules regarding holding dual citizenship should also not apply to disabled non-EU residents who have received benefits from Germany’s government in the past.