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Journalists visit Azerbaijani commando unit PHOTO

22 June 2022 12:21

On June 26 - Armed Forces Day, a group of journalists visited a Defence Ministry military unit.

The main purpose of the visit is to organise the service and combat activities of the newly created military unit of the Ground Forces (commandos), as well as familiarisation with the conditions created there for the Azerbaijani army servicemen, according to Report.

In the abovementioned commando military unit, all facilities are built in accordance with modern requirements and outfitted with the necessary equipment and inventory. Appropriate conditions have been created here for the high-quality organisation of service and combat activities and effective leisure activities.

The created conditions allow for intensive training with commandos at a high level, according to the combat training plan.

Taking into account the experience gained in the [2020] Patriotic War, with the participation of Turkish professional officers, a high level of combat training of commandos is maintained and practical skills are improved.

In the military unit, media representatives watched the heavy military exercises of the commandos. The training included the capture of enemy command posts and facilities at conditional heights, the destruction of the enemy by raids and ambushes, sniper shooting, overcoming obstacles, and fighting in mountainous terrain.

The deputy commander of the military unit for ideological work, moral and psychological support, Major Faig Shukurov, told Report that new command military units are being created on Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev's instructions.

He noted that intensive exercises and training are conducted with military personnel every day: "Our military unit under the leadership of Supreme Commander-in-Chief [Ilham Aliyev] is ready to perform any task. The Azerbaijani people can be sure that our army is developing day by day. I promise parents that their children are in safe hands. Proper and healthy conditions have been created for their service in the ranks of the Azerbaijani army. If someone wants to join the ranks of the commandos, let them come. Because today commandos are under the special attention and care of President Ilham Aliyev. We can only stand guard over our lands with honour."

Shukurov said that serious exercises are waiting for the commanders of the Azerbaijani army in the coming days: "The main purpose of the exercises is to increase the combat readiness of our army. The exercises include the capture of enemy command posts and facilities at conditional heights, the destruction of the enemy by raids and ambushes, shooting and other issues. It is planned to involve our commandos in international exercises as well."

Then the media representatives visited the soldiers' canteen. Here, military personnel are fully provided with fresh and high-calorie food, as well as other types of food.

According to the instructor, chief cook of the military unit, senior warrant officer Adilkhan Mammadov, thanks to the special attention and care of the commander-in-chief, the food of the commandos is constantly monitored. He said that there is a different assortment of dishes here every day: "Soldiers and officers are given six and sometimes seven types of dishes during the day. For example, a soldier or officer at lunch receives as a norm the 1st meal - 546-600 grams of juicy food, the 2nd meal - two types of dry food of 350 + 350 grams and at the same time 250 grams of beef. In addition, our commandos are given fruit juices, compotes and sweets."

The journalists also visited a new dormitory of soldiers that meets modern requirements, as well as classrooms. Naturally, large-scale work is being carried out here to improve the living conditions of commandos, and activities in this direction continue.

Commando Lieutenant Javid Mustafayev said he had been serving as an officer for three years. He spoke about the serious military exercises that await them: "Earlier we were on a basic commando course in Türkiye. And now let's move on to the courses of parachuting and mining. These exercises have a positive impact on each of us. We differ from other military personnel in physical training. At the same time, we are always ready to prevent any provocations of the enemy. I am a participant in the Patriotic War myself. Having highly appreciated my service, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev awarded me medals 'For the liberation of Fuzuli', 'For the Liberation of Shusha' and 'Brave Fighter'".

In the second Karabakh War, my close friends became martyrs. The loss of my comrade-in-arms Hafiz Gasimov greatly affected me. My other colleagues Guloglan Gadimov and Sattar Piriyev also became martyrs. May Allah have mercy on all our martyrs! Fortunately, we have liberated our lands from the enemy and avenged our brothers-martyrs."

The commander of the commando platoon, Lieutenant Sarvan Salmanli, also spoke about his combat path in the Patriotic War. He noted that when the war began, he was a cadet at the Heydar Aliyev Azerbaijan Higher Military School (now the Heydar Aliyev Military Institute): "When the war started, I was awarded the rank of second lieutenant, and I participated in the battles. He participated in the battles for the liberation of Zangilan and Gubadli districts."

"Three months ago I was sent to this military unit as a commando soldier of the Azerbaijani army. From the moment of my arrival to the present, I have participated in several military exercises. In order for our combat training to be at a high level, it is important to conduct exercises. In the coming days, we will participate in reconnaissance exercises related to penetration into the rear of a conditional enemy in all directions and cutting off communication routes there. This training is difficult, but also honourable. The military unit has all the necessary conditions for training, combat training and nutrition," Salmanli said.

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