Futuristic military technology in hands of Turkish special forces VIDEO
Equipped with wearable technologies for security forces of the future, Türkiye’s Military Tactical Operation Kit (ATOK) will be integrated into their “Kirpi” mine-resistant vehicles used by the country’s special operations units, the Turkish Yeniakit reports
The ATOK system has been developed by the BITES military contractor on the requirements of the Defence Industry Agency and has been tested on ground conditions by units of the special forces and gendarmerie. This will ensure the safe and rapid movement of special operations units within combat zones.
The contractor is expected to sign a contract with the country’s largest automotive company, BMC, at the Istanbul SAHA 2022 Defence & Aerospace Exhibition in November.
The system is powered by augmented reality (AR) technology, a mobile mini-PC and other wearable components, such as a wireless-connected smartwatch, sensors and AR glasses.
The system's main servers and communications systems are mounted on an armoured vehicle, allowing the whole system to be mobile. The dedicated 4.5G/LTE communications network built on the armoured car provides voice and video communication during its operation. With this closed network, intelligence and information sharing will be possible. Images of drones used during the operation can also be transferred to the ATOK System and shared within the team. Thanks to those features, ATOK will be a powerful tool for special operations units in their fight against terrorism.
The location and health of military personnel are displayed on the map, making it available to security forces and with a specially developed messaging interface, all kinds of intelligence in the form of photos, video, voice, text messages, documents and others are allowed to be shared over a closed network.
Even when GPS information is not available or hidden, the soldier's location information is calculated using sensors and shared, ensuring continuity of friendly union monitoring.
The ATOK System can be configured to suit the various needs of the military.