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MFA: Russia expresses demarche to Azerbaijan Moscow sees a speck in another's eye but not a log in its own

13 September 2023 13:09

Spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova has said that Russia expressed a diplomatic demarche to Azerbaijan due to the Azerbaijani foreign ministry’s statement about elections in new Russian regions.

Zakharova made the remarks at a briefing during the Eastern Economic Forum, TASS reports.

“Such statements do not correspond to the nature of the alliance between the countries. We cannot accept such assessments; these are unacceptable assessments, and they are inconsistent with the allied interaction between our countries. Therefore, a diplomatic demarche was expressed to the Azerbaijani side. We have expressed everything on this issue,” she said.

This rather strange statement was made by the spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry. What kind of demarche? Baku did not recognise the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine. Azerbaijan itself suffered from occupation for almost three decades. However, there is another question. Why has not the Russian Federation made a statement about the non-recognition of the so-called “elections” in Garabagh in accordance with the same allied interaction between Baku and Moscow?

To recap, on September 9, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry issued a statement on sham “elections” in certain territories of Ukraine, stressing that Azerbaijan and Ukraine recognize and support each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“Proceeding from that Azerbaijan states that any elections in the territory of Ukraine can be legitimate if it is held in accordance with the Constitution and legislation of this state.

This principled position of Azerbaijan is based on universally acceptable norms and principles of international law regarding the respect for rights of States inherent in their sovereignty.

Recent ‘elections’ in the part of Ukraine’s internationally recognized territories did not meet this criteria, and therefore cannot have any legal effect whatsoever,” the statement reads.

Meanwhile, Zakharova also said that the information about the preparation of a coup in Armenia is exaggerated.

Information about a planned coup in Armenia went viral.  Up to 2,000 fighters of the Wagner group were allegedly sent to Armenia. This information has not been confirmed, according to Gazeta.Ru.

“Where are these people? The population is small in Armenia. There are not one billion people. Perhaps, the Armenian officials would have seen these people. This is another mythology, this is exaggerated information,” Zakharova added.

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