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Russian professor: Armenian authorities continue to spoil relations with Russia

11 January 2024 16:18

Nikolay Silaev, a leading researcher at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), has said that the Armenian authorities continue to spoil relations with Russia.

"What the Armenian opposition is stating about the peace treaty, that Azerbaijan is creating grounds for itself for future aggressions against Armenia is an interpretation of the document, which I have not seen. Interpretation by people obviously interested. I would like to say that if we had reliable information about what the demands were two years ago, what they were a year ago and what they are now, we could talk about tightening or softening them. Therefore, I do not undertake to judge whether Baku toughens the requirements or not," Silaev told Armenian media, Caliber.Az reports.

"As for Pashinyan's latest visit to St. Petersburg, it has raised optimistic expectations among some observers in Russia. At least, the trend towards deterioration of relations between Moscow and Yerevan has been slowed down, if not reversed. Unfortunately, the interview of Armen Grigoryan, Secretary of the Armenian Security Council, shows that this is not the case. That the Armenian leadership, at least a significant part of it, continues its course to spoil relations with Russia. And first of all, to spoil them in the political sphere. And as for the fact that the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) should only deal with economy, it does deal with economy. There are no geopolitical things on the agenda there.

It is still a mystery to me what the strategy of the Armenian authorities is. It is clear that the entire political experience of a significant part of the leadership is emotionally pushing them to break with Russia. It is also completely unclear what they stand to gain from it. They might in theory gain something personal. Some kind of Western aid, I think that's unlikely. Because the U.S. and the EU have a lot of time on their hands in Ukraine.

I am afraid that if Armenia wants the support of the West it will have to be sincere and stop trade relations with Russia too. Even if Armenia is not satisfied with the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), and it is obvious, why do we need to talk loudly about it every few weeks. If Armenia wants to change something it needs diplomacy, not talking to the press. Talking to the press does not lead to anything," Silaev said.

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