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Pundit warns of tightening geopolitical pressures on Armenia

04 March 2024 10:38

Armenian pundit Suren Surenyants expressed concern over the increasing geopolitical pressures on Armenia, particularly regarding its relations with Russia in his recent statement posted on Facebook.

"We regret that the Armenian leadership has made a conscious decision to pursue a policy of deteriorating relations with the Russian Federation. Russia is waiting for Armenia's final decision on the continuation of CSTO membership, they have to decide," Surenyants shared the Russian Foreign Minister's post on his Facebook page commenting on the seriousness of the situation, Caliber.Az reports.

According to Surenyants, Lavrov's statements imply that Armenia's leadership, led by Prime Minister Pashinyan, has consciously chosen to pursue a policy that deteriorates relations with Russia. He emphasized that Armenia faces significant consequences due to this decision, particularly in the context of its membership in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

Surenyants criticized Pashinyan's recent statements regarding Armenia's frozen membership in the CSTO, suggesting that they contribute to worsening relations with Russia. He argued that Pashinyan's approach risks isolating Armenia and making it a pawn in broader geopolitical competitions.

"The author of these two statements is Lavrov, and they contain a very dangerous subtext for Armenia. The noose around Armenia is being tightened, the main responsibility for which lies with Pashinyan, especially with his latest statements, by which he said that Armenia has frozen its membership in the CSTO.

For lovers of special manipulations, I will note that I reject ‘bias’ as a matter of principle and am a consistent supporter of balanced policy and argue that yes, Pashinyan made a conscious decision to worsen relations with Russia, preferring an adventurous policy of changing strategic orientation instead of diversification,” he stressed.

The political scientist rejected the notion of Armenia pursuing a non-aligned stance, emphasizing that the country lacks significant influence in global or regional affairs. He cautioned against Pashinyan's alleged pivot towards the West, warning that it could further destabilize Armenia and exacerbate tensions with Russia and Iran.

“My other special appeal concerns people who are not versed in international relations, who have been insisting on the advantages of a non-aligned Armenia for several days now. These people do not realize that the current Armenia has zero role in global and even regional processes, and unfortunately, the non-aligned perspective is beyond our independent decision. Thus, Pashinyan's pivot will not ensure Armenia's comfortable neutrality, but will make it a bone of contention in a fierce geopolitical competition.

Pashinyan's deliberate anti-Russian stance has only one goal; it is the only way his provincial mindset thinks it is possible to become a ‘favourite’ of the West. For the West, it is not the result that matters, but the process itself, which aims to weaken the influence of Russia, as well as Iran in the region. Western interest groups are not interested in what the ‘result’ will be, especially regarding the fate of Armenia,” the expert said.

Surenyants highlighted the danger in Lavrov's characterization of Armenia's actions as a conscious decision, suggesting that Russia is accelerating the process of Armenia's strategic shift. He criticized Russia for seemingly abdicating its responsibility to guarantee Armenia's statehood and stability.

“Lavrov's most dangerous statement is the wording ‘a conscious decision of the Armenian leadership.’ This means that Moscow is no longer giving Armenia a chance to manoeuvre, accelerating Pashinyan's ‘historic’ decision. At the same time, Russia is deliberately abdicating its responsibility, which has dangerous consequences.

Instead of guaranteeing Armenia's statehood by establishing a balanced policy, Armenian-Russian and Armenian-Turkish relations, Pashinyan chose the path of the collapse of our statehood. This is a harsh reality," the political scientist underlined.

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