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Armenian army suicides expose governmental neglect Media sound alarm

17 October 2024 10:35

Armenian media outlets are raising serious concerns over a disturbing trend of suicides and non-combat deaths within the country's military ranks, while sharply criticizing the government's indifferent response to these tragedies. 

In a series of recent reports, journalists have highlighted the rising toll of soldier deaths, pointing to systemic failures and a lack of accountability at the highest levels of the Armenian government, Caliber.Az reports. 

"On October 13, the body of soldier Aghasi Dallakian, with a gunshot wound, was discovered at the Meghri military unit. This marks the second non-combat death in the army this October. To recall, on October 6, the body of Vahe Harutyunyan was found, with investigations concluding that he had committed suicide. In fact, this year alone, the number of non-combat losses in the Armenian military has surpassed thirty," Armenian media outlets write.

“The government's reaction to each of these tragedies is disturbingly calm, almost indifferent. Suicides and deaths of servicemen in non-combat conditions should serve as an alarm — a wake-up call for a sleepwalker dangerously treading on a rooftop, suddenly aware of the looming catastrophe. Yet, what do we hear from our officials after each tragedy? Take, for example, the words of Deputy Defence Minister Arman Sarkisian, who dismissively noted, ‘Such cases have happened and are still happening today.’ Or consider Armen Khachatryan, a former traffic policeman turned parliament member, now seemingly eyeing the role of Justice Minister, who remarked, ‘If we tie political responsibility directly to accidents or crimes in the army, then the Minister of Defence would have to be changed every week.’”

The media goes on to express: “What more can be said when even after the horrific January 2023 tragedy in the village of Azat — where 15 soldiers from an engineering-sapper company perished in a fire inside an old, dilapidated house falsely labelled as a ‘barracks’ — Defence Minister Suren Papikyan continues to hold his post? Yes, the commander of the Second Army Corps, his deputy, and several others were dismissed, and the trials are ongoing, but the true culprits — the ‘architects of the fire,’ Pashinyan and Papikyan — act as if nothing has happened."

The media recalls the reaction from the authorities: "NA Speaker Alen Simonyan defended Papikyan, saying, 'The Defence Minister cannot be connected to the events in Azat. These are nothing more than empty political speculations. The opposition can “slander” all they want, but what has changed?’"

The article continues with harsh criticism of the current state of the Armenian military: "It is painful to admit, but suicides, accidents, and murders within our army have become almost routine. The authorities remain indifferent, with no meaningful action. Political analyst Stepan Danielyan rightly pointed out that in cases of suicide among soldiers, it is necessary not only to investigate fellow soldiers who may have driven them to this point, but also to conduct deeper research into the social issues at play — issues such as the lack of proper officer training, criminal negligence, and the sheer incompetence of the Minister of Defenсe and his deputies."

However, the media laments: "Who will conduct such an investigation? Addressing these issues is an exhausting endeavour — one that our defence officials clearly have no interest in. Papikyan's glaring inadequacy for his position has long been evident. His lack of expertise in improving the army’s combat readiness, fostering a healthy military environment, and ensuring the nation’s defence capability is masked by his supposed knowledge in other areas."

The media also draws attention to questionable military procurement deals: "The highly controversial arms purchases for the army, and other dubious commercial operations disguised as Defense Ministry needs, only further highlight the problem."

Returning to the issue of suicides, the article stresses: "The reasons behind these suicides truly require in-depth examination. Why are our soldiers taking their own lives? The army is rife with the negative qualities of a degraded society — aggression, cruelty, a complete lack of compassion, and inhuman conditions. Some soldiers simply cannot endure it."

The article concludes with a piercing question: "What must conscripts think when they see that their lives and futures hold no value in the eyes of the government? What must their parents feel, sending their sons into such uncertainty? What must we all think? In the end, our collective silence is also a form of criminal indifference,” the Armenian media writes.

By Tamilla Hasanova

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