Taylor: ADB recommends use of 'green' cement in Azerbaijan
ADB (Asian Development Bank) Deputy Director General and Chief Procurement Officer Jeff Taylor suggests that Azerbaijani companies applying sustainable procurement practices use "green" cement.
According to Report, he said in an interview.
"Green cement is a low-carbon cement, more low-carbon than traditional cement. And we have piloted it in India under an ADB-funded project. The outcome depends on whether the market can respond to this demand. We have done in-depth research in the Indian market and found that manufacturers can do it. But we can support this by giving the contractor an advantage in the evaluation process by offering greener or environmentally friendly materials," Taylor said.
He said if green cement is actively utilized, carbon offsets or savings could be factored into National Climate Change Commitments (NDCs).
"Measurement mechanisms are not in my purview. But procurement is, and there is a lot of scope to reduce the carbon footprint, both in the methods and materials used in construction and in the performance of the facility. Also, an example could be energy efficient pumps or LED street lighting and the like, which I think can be considered as part of a nationally determined contribution to the common good," he said.