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Azerbaijani Parliament: Act adopted by US Senate - clear example of double standards UPDATED

21 November 2023 14:14

Azerbaijani MP Kamila Valiyeva has said that the act passed by the US Senate is a prime example of double standards and selectivity.

The statement was read out by Valiyeva, APA reports.

The statement reads:

"Milli Majlis [Parliament] strongly rejects the act against Azerbaijan adopted in the US Senate and considers it a serious blow to relations between the two countries. It creates a serious obstacle to the efforts to establish peace in the region. The act passed by the US Senate is a vivid example of double standards and a selective approach.

When Armenia expanded its occupation against Azerbaijan, the Khojaly genocide and massacres of the Azerbaijani population were committed, the United States, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, did not try to prevent these actions, but, on the contrary, adopted the 907th Amendment against Azerbaijan. As a result, US financial support helped Armenia occupy Azerbaijani lands.

The United States supported the separatist regime created on the territory of Azerbaijan. The current actions of the United States as a mediator have led to a loss of authority in Azerbaijan. US foreign policy has suffered a complete collapse in recent years. In this regard, special mention should be made of the policies in the Middle East and Afghanistan. The Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan once again declares that Azerbaijan, relying on the norms and principles of international law, will always react decisively to all negative steps.”

After discussions, the application was put to a vote and adopted.

Earlier on November 21 at a parliament meeting, Parliament’s Speaker Sahiba Gafarova said it was necessary to create a commission to accept a statement against the United States.

The speaker proposed that the chairman of the commission be Ziyafat Asgarov, and the members be Samad Seyidov, Tural Ganjaliyev, Gudrat Hasanguliyev, Kamila Aliyeva and Tamam Jafarova.

The speaker's proposal was accepted.

On November 15, 2023, the US Senate with an Amendment adopted S.3000, passed the Armenian Protection Act of 2023, by voice vote. This bill would suspend all military aid to Azerbaijan by repealing the Freedom Support Act section 907 waiver authority for the Administration with respect to assistance to Azerbaijan for fiscal years 2024 or 2025.

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