How has the Turkish Navy strengthened in 10 years? Official data
Turkey is updating its navy, for about 10 years, it has included various ships and domestic weapons developments. has published the relevant data on its page on social network X, Caliber.Az reports.
— (@SavunmaSanayiST) January 3, 2024
Yaklaşık 10 yıllık bir zaman dilimi içerisinde Türk Donanması'nın envanterine:
— 1x Uçak Gemisi
— 8x İSTİF Sınıfı Firkateyn
— 6x REİS Sınıfı Denizaltı
— 10x HİSAR Sınıfı ADKG
— 10x TÜRK Tipi Hücumbot
— Önemli adetlerde ATMACA Gemisavar Füze
- TCG Anadolu universal landing ship.
- 8 units of MİLGEM project warships.
- 6 units of PİRİ REİS class submarines.
- 10 units of HİSAR class patrol ships.
- A significant number of ATMASA cruise missiles.
- AKYA heavy torpedoes.
- BAYRAKTAR TB3 UAVs from the Turkish company Bayrak.
Thus, the Turkish Navy is the strongest in the Black Sea and the second strongest in the Mediterranean.
And this is just the beginning. Many more are still in the development, testing or construction phase.