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"Pakistan supported Azerbaijan’s just position to restore its territorial integrity" Parliament Times on Armenia's propaganda

11 August 2023 17:35

An article published in Pakistan’s Daily Parliament Times says that Armenia has again tried to tarnish the image of Pakistan by unleashing propaganda and making fun of a recent train accident in the southern area of Pakistan.

The article, written by journalist Hilal Ahmad, notes that more than 30 people including women, children and elderly passengers lost their lives in the deadly accident near the city of Nawabshah on August 6, 2023.

“Due to its anti-Pakistan stance, Armenian media is making fun of the train accident. The stance of Armenians against Pakistan is based on hatred as Pakistan has supported the Azerbaijani government and its valiant people in their just struggle on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,” the article says.

According to the publication, Pakistan has not recognised Armenia as an independent country keeping in view its illegal occupation of Azerbaijani territory.

“At the same time, Pakistan had strongly supported Azerbaijan to regain the Karabakh region from the occupation of Armenia. Pakistan was among the first countries across the globe that recognised Azerbaijan after it gained independence in 1991. Pakistan supported Azerbaijan’s patriotic war against Armenia in 2020 that resulted in liberation of Karabakh which was under occupation for nearly three decades. The 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war helped Azerbaijan in a big way to liberate its occupied areas from the clutches of Armenia. It is a fact that Pakistan supported Azerbaijan’s ‘just position’ to restore its territorial integrity from its inception. Azerbaijan restored its territorial integrity by winning the Second Karabakh War without any external help. Pakistan has repeatedly supported Azerbaijan’s position on the dispute at the United Nations and other international forums,” the article added.

Besides, Ahmad writes that the government and people of Pakistan have always supported Azerbaijan and condemned Armenian aggression, whilst Azerbaijan has also supported Pakistan on the Kashmir dispute and urged that the unresolved dispute of Kashmir should be settled in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

He added that Azerbaijan has also acknowledged the support of its true friend Pakistan on the Karabakh issue.

“It is worth to mention that Pakistan has closer and friendly relationship with Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Contact Group on Kashmir. Both the countries have a close proximity of views on various important international issues. Pakistan and Azerbaijan have strong and friendly relations, Armenia and India being occupational forces opposes Azerbaijan-Pakistan friendly ties. Armenia is busy in a false propaganda against Pakistan to please communal Indian government. Recently, it was reported by the media with credible evidence that India is involved in supplying arms to Armenia,” the article concluded.

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