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France's overseas regions' representatives slam colonial policy “Towards the Complete Elimination of Colonialism”

06 July 2023 17:40

A round table dedicated to the peoples colonised by France as well as colonialism worldwide, titled “Towards the Complete Elimination of Colonialism” was held in Baku on July 6.

The event was convened on the initiative of the Centre for Analysis of International Relations (AIR Centre) on the sidelines of the Ministerial Meeting of the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) within Azerbaijan’s chairmanship in the NAM.

Representatives from New Caledonia, French Polynesia, French Guiana, Martinique, Wallis and Futuna, Solomon Islands, as well as officials and political analysts from Azerbaijan, spoke about the importance to eliminate colonial practices, reaffirming the movement’s position on the fight against colonialism.

In this vein, reporting from the scene, Caliber.Az presents a round-up of the elaborated discussion that took place at the event.

Speaking at the event, AIR Centre Chairman Farid Shafiyev pointed out France's double starts, noting that the country’s policy doesn't help lasting peace in the South Caucasus.

Talking about the backlash he received after confronting the policy of the French government, Shafiyev noted that apparently, criticism is the privilege of white people

The AIR chairman highlighted that France doesn’t only have a colonial past but also a colonial present.

He stressed that despite the fact that France has twice adopted anti-Azerbaijani resolutions, the countries of the Movement have stood up against them and supported Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity.

He also noted Azerbaijan’s determination to continue conducting events like this and keeping this topic on the agenda.

Besides, the think tank pointed out that the topic of colonialism is not foreign to Azerbaijan as it had been a part of an empire for 30 years, noting that the consequences of that are still alive today.

Similarly, Azerbaijani MP Asim Mollazada spoke about France’s colonial policy, noting that such things as attacks on synagogues and mosques, the beatings of journalists just for being black have been seen in France.

He noted the effect of colonialism versus independence by stating that during just a couple of years, Azerbaijan constructed more schools than during its time in the Soviet Union.

Agreeing with other speakers on the topic of reparations, the MP emphasised that this conversation doesn’t simply mean money as the money could never cover the pain suffered by these people.

He specified that such instruments as non-violence technology and networking will give more power to the colonised states.

Additionally, Western Azerbaijan Community Spokesperson Ulviyya Zulfikar briefed the participants on the community and the history of Azerbaijanis who have been repeatedly deported from the territory of modern-day Armenia.

“These people were deported from their homeland, territories where Azerbaijanis have lived for centuries,” she said.

According to her, the deportation of Azerbaijanis from their homeland is a crime against humanity.

Zulfikar also noted that the community has repeatedly raised this issue with the Republic of Armenia, at European Union, UNESCO and other international organisations to no avail.

It was also noted that the issues raised at the conference aren't just hearsay for Azerbaijan but it actually went through them. 

During the round table, the foreign representatives commended Azerbaijan’s chairmanship of NAM and the importance it placed on the elimination of colonialism.

In this vein, head of Africa Mundus organisation Emmanuel Argo thanked the Azerbaijani president for organising the event.

“I welcome the statement made by President Ilham Alıyev but I was pleasantly surprised. I would never have thought when I came here that I would hear such a speech and I was very pleased about it,” he noted.

He also added that Baku is now more central to the issues of NAM countries than it was before.

Argo pointed out that it is difficult to speak freely in media in Europe, expressing gratitude to Baku for being this platform of free speech.

Furthermore, French Guiana National Assembly Member Jean- Victor Castor said that there has been very little progress in France, noting that some representatives of political parties in France are trying to communicate that colonisation was a good thing.

“They say that it wasn't all negative, they say that in fact, colonialism was beneficial,” the MP added. 

He also opposed French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent visit to French Polynesia, where he called for some decision-making.

“This colonialist behaviour serves exclusively to serve the interests of France,” he offered.

Overall, the speakers agreed that they need financial justice in the form of reparations from France, although noting that it would not be enough as France has to take responsibility for the actions of the past but also for its current actions.

Answering the questions of the media during the press conference that followed the round-table, Victor-Castor expressed the belief that France is a country which is currently becoming weaker.

“France is losing its ability to act on international platforms and its influence, especially, in French-speaking countries,” he pointed out.

According to him, France’s intention today is to maintain power.

However, he noted that France is in chaos today with the majority of the population suffering from poverty, stressing that there will be social unrest sooner or later.

Speaking about France’s big speeches on democracy, Victor-Castor stated that the country does not respect the human rights of its own people so it's even worse for the immigrants.  

Similarly, New Caledonia Congress President Rock Wamytan emphasised that currently, France is fighting to be the great power it once was.

“France is using us to defend its own interests as a nation and it doesn't care if it will push down the populations that it's administrating,” he stressed.

Moreover, Party for the Liberation of Martinique Representative Luc Carole said that France has never been a democratic power, but only has a facade of being such.

He added that President Macron and the far-right want everybody to believe that violence is the means to fight social unrest, stressing that Macron is competing with the far-right as he is concerned, he won’t last.

Speaking to the journalists on the sidelines of the event,  Jean-Victor Castor stated that French colonialism started with genocide.

“When the French arrived in South America, they claimed there was nobody there, although there were millions of indigenous people living there,” he added.

He noted that to this day, France keeps Guiana under its military oppression.

“Economically, France completely took over French Guiana. We cannot use our own resources,” he said.

The MP noted that French Guiana is the only country in Latin America deprived of independence.

He said that the colonisation of Guiana by France began with the murders and genocide of the local population.

“Today, as a result of the policy of colonisation, the situation is very dramatic in all areas: the economy, society and others. Economically, France has captured Guiana. We cannot use our resources ourselves, and are forced to study only their geography,” Jean-Victor Castor said.

He reminded that since March 1946, French Guiana has become an overseas department of France, but intends to continue the struggle and completely get rid of colonialism.

“We want other countries to also support us,” the deputy added.

In another comment to reporters, Rock Wamytan called on France to finalise the process of colonialism.

He also noted that the statement of the Azerbaijani president encouraged the participants to continue the struggle to archive the end goal.

In the same vein, Movement of Environmentalists and Democrats for an Independent Martinique Representative Claudette Duhamel told reporters that France leads the colonised nations to believe that they are less than human.

“France degrades us by treating us inhumanely. They lead us to think that we are not human beings, but objects. The older generation is also a victim of this policy, believing in this idea, and passing this idea to the next generation. As a result, the young generation grows up in this way of thinking, culture, and outlook. In such a case, they do not understand their sovereignty and independence. This creates conditions for the hegemony of France over the nations,” she stressed.

According to Duhamel, the French make decisions about the culture, education, language, and economy of Martinique.

“As indigenous people, we must act together with other peoples to reclaim our lost rights, and such actions can play a role in uniting us,” she finalised.

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